Welcome to
John Wayne Chapter
Code of the Gentleman
"Without a strict observance of the fundamental Code of Honor, no man, no matter how "polished," can be considered a gentleman. The honor of a gentleman demands the inviolability of his word, and the incorruptibility of his principles. He is the descendant of the knight, the crusader; he is the defender of the defenseless and champion of justice.... or he is not a Gentleman."
Taken from Virginia Military Institute's "Code of the Gentleman."
Taken from Virginia Military Institute's "Code of the Gentleman."
Charles Erick Ekelund Memorial Scholarship Fund |

This scholarship is merit based, and will help deserving members of this Chapter with educational expenses incurred while obtaining their bachelors degree, associates degree, or a professional trade school diploma. Please support this 501(c)3 worthy cause by clicking on the donate button above.
Charlie Ekelund was a PMC of Galveston Chapter, a freemason, a graduate of Sam Houston State University, a Galveston County Sherriff's Deputy, and a great brother and mentor. Find out more about Charlie and the details of the scholarships by visiting the Charles Erick Ekelund Memorial Scholarship Page.
Charlie Ekelund was a PMC of Galveston Chapter, a freemason, a graduate of Sam Houston State University, a Galveston County Sherriff's Deputy, and a great brother and mentor. Find out more about Charlie and the details of the scholarships by visiting the Charles Erick Ekelund Memorial Scholarship Page.
Upcoming Events![]() Click on image to see full Calendar
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Funny Clip Staring Our Very Own Jonny Lane
(aka Brother Mayhem)
Araw ng Kasarinlán
(Philippines Independence Day June 12, 1898)
June 7, 2023 - Alvin, TX The chapter had a great time and a great Filipino Feast before their first stated meeting of June. Continuing our cultural dinner celebrations on the first meeting of each month, the chapter celebrated Independence Day in the Philippines. There was plenty of authentic Filipino food and music, and everyone ate their fill. The Philippines Independence Day is June 12th.
A Visit To Templar Chapter
May 26, 2023 - Houston, TX Three members of John Wayne Chapter accompanied DDSMC-5 Luke on his official visit to Templar Chapter in Houston.
Masonic Oak Picnic
May 21, 2023 - Brazoria, TX Several of our members attended the 2023 Masonic Oak Picnic this past weekend, and it looks like they had a pretty good time.
Working? At The Car Wash
May 6, 2023 - Alvin, TX Several members of John Wayne Chapter No. 3667 came together to hold a car wash this past Saturday. Everyone had fun in the sun and suds!
Masonic Youth Weekend '23
April 30, 2023 - Aquilla, TX Seven of our members and one Duchess attended the Annual Masonic Youth Weekend (MYW), making new friends around the great State of Texas. Everyone had a great time, and several members earned MVP awards for leading their teams. Can't wait for MYW '24!
Frank Marshall Champions
March 26, 2023 - Arlington, TX Five members of John Wayne Chapter No. 3667 competed in the 2023 Frank Marshall Championship Tournament. They came home with three championship banners. Congratulations to the 4th Section Team Championship Level Champions, Kyle Villanueva, Peter Luke, and Andrew Luke. Congratulations to the Championship Level Flower Talk Champion, Kyle Villanueva, and Congratulations to the Ceremony of Light Open Level Champion, Zachary Miller. Way to bring it home John Wayne!!!
Community Service
March 25, 2023 - Hitchcock, Texas. Four members of John Wayne Chapter No. 3667 helped out with the preparations for the John Mitchell Lodge No. 1401 Community Easter Egg Hunt. The members present were Mason Saunders, Garrett Priddy, William Baisch, and Eli Vandewater.
The Premier Youth Fraternity
in the World
This website is the official website of John Wayne Chapter#3667 Order of DeMolay and acknowledges the authority of and yields allegiance to DeMolay International, of which Frank S. Land was the founder.