Committee Work Room
This committee work room is for John Wayne Chapter business only. If you are not a member of this Chapter or an Advisor of this Chapter, you will be kicked out and reported.
How the virtual committee works (read before entering room)
Committee Chairmen should notify all committee members by telephone of the date and time of the committee meeting. The chairman should enter the room a few minutes before the other members. An advisor should be present at all committee meetings. You should conduct yourself during this "online" meeting as you would in a normal physical stated meeting. The Chairman will conduct the meeting, and you should ask permission to speak, and be acknowledged by the Chairman before posting your comment. When the Chairman uses his "virtual gavel" consider it just as you would a real gavel during a physical meeting and stop posting until the Chairman restores order. Be courteous to your brothers and you will get the work of the committee done.
This website is the official website of John Wayne Chapter#3667 Order of DeMolay and acknowledges the authority of and yields allegiance to DeMolay International, of which Frank S. Land was the founder.