January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015
John Wayne Helps Out With
Harmony Lodge # 6 175th
Galveston, TX - January 30, 2015 Seven members of the Chapter and five members of Pearland Rainbow Assembly #337 made a big splash, as they helped out in numerous ways with the 175th Anniversary of the founding of Harmony Lodge # 6 A.F. & A.M., which was chartered back in 1840 in the Republic of Texas. After Grand Master, Michael L. Wiggins, talk to the gathered crowd in the dining hall, everyone retired to the auditorium, where the DeMolays and Rainbows put on a great display. Senior Councilor, Caleb Lamb, started things off with a enthusiastic performance of the DeMolay Ceremony of Light. That was followed by a great Flower Talk delivered by Master Councilor, Colin Lamb, which was followed by the Masonic Ribbon Ceremony, given by Texas Rainbow Grand Chaplain, Claire Peebler.
John Wayne Rocks
Government Day 2015
Austin, TX - February 21, 2015 Eleven members of the Chapter along with the Chapter Sweetheart and Chapter Duchess were heavily involved in the House and Senate actions of the annual Texas DeMolay Government Day at the State Capitol this past weekend. The Senate went into Session Saturday morning with our very own Texas Deputy State Master Councilor, Tony Peebler, at the helm as President of the Senate. John Wayne members were very active in all of the debates in the House and Senate, and while we did not win best delegation again, we did have two members stand out. Pedro Garcia, Jr. won Best House Delegate Junior Division, while Christopher Little won Best Senate Delegate Senior Division. Ted Frick, as usual, was behind the scenes everywhere at once, motivating the delegation to great things. Everyone had a great time.
DeMolay Month Proclaimed in Alvin, Texas
Alvin, TX - March 5, 2015 Master Councilor Colin Lamb led a delegation of DeMolays to Alvin City Council Thursday evening to receive a Proclamation from the Mayor and City Council stating that March 2015 was DeMolay Month in Alvin. Assisting were City Councilmen and Senior DeMolays Brad Richards and Roger Stuksa, along with former City Secretary, Tommy Peebles.
DeMolay Sunday
Alvin, TX - March 15, 2015 Several members of the Chapter along with the Chapter Sweetheart, Claire Peebler, celebrated DeMolay Sunday by attending services at the First Lutheran Church of Alvin.
New Orleans, Louisiana - March 22, 2015 Thirteen members of the Chapter traveled out of state and competed in the 25th Old South Championship Tournament, taking home several banners for team and individual competitions.
John Wayne Storms
Old South
Brings Home 5 Banners!
Farewell To Frank Marshall
Fort Worth, TX - March 29, 2015 Two long time ritualists from John Wayne said farewell to competition at the 25th Annual Frank Marshall Championship Tournament this past weekend, and while all did not end as planned, the Chapter made more friends and deposited more memories in the memory bank. While falling just short again in the Championship Level DeMolay Degree competition, the Chapter did win the Open Level Chapter Proficiency Championship for the second year in a row. Also, Tony Peebler won the Championship Level Magnificent 7 Banner for the very first time. All in all, everyone had a great time, and are already talking about next year.
Caleb Lamb Takes Reigns as
Master Councilor
Alvin, TX - May 16, 2015 A large crowd gathered this past Saturday night to watch the Spring 2015 installation of officers. Caleb Lamb, the son of Paula and Steve Lamb of Santa Fe, was installed as the new Master Councilor, taking over from his brother Colin, the Junior Past Master Councilor. Other officers installed were Senior Councilor Joel Fulcher IV, Junior Councilor Earl Deshazer, Senior Deacon Tristan Arnold, Junior Deacon Lawson Godinez, Senior Steward Andrew Luke, Junior Steward David Lombard, Scribe Ted Frick, Sentinel Jorge Figueroa, Marshal Antonio Sifuentes, Chaplain Pedro Garcia, Jr., and Standard Bearer Jose Garcia. Deputy State Master Councilor, Tony Peebler, performed Flower Talk for the new members and their mothers, followed by a very good performance of the Ceremony of Light by our new Master Councilor, Caleb Lamb. The crowd was also treated to the RD Ceremony, as Ted Frick received his Representative DeMolay Award. The evening was topped off by a short reception in the dining hall followed by a
fantastic dance.
fantastic dance.
85th Texas DeMolay Conclave A Huge Success!
Austin, TX - July 19, 2015 Fifteen members of the Chapter, along with the Chapter Sweetheart and one Past Chapter Sweetheart, made the trip to the State Capitol for the 85th Annual Texas DeMolay Conclave. They are leaving Austin today with their own Tony Peebler having been installed as the 86th State Master Councilor of Texas DeMolay, their own Chris Little having been installed as the 74th Deputy State Master Councilor of Texas DeMolay, their own Ted Frick having been installed as the District Deputy State Master Councilor for District 5, and their own Chapter Sweetheart, Claire Peebler having been coronated as the Texas DeMolay State Sweetheart for the year 2015-2016. The Chapter also came away as State Champions in the Initiatory Degree and Chapter Proficiency. They also won the Junior Division Volleyball Championship. Pedro Garcia won the State Championship for Best Chaplain, and Caleb Lamb won the State Championship for Best Orator. Jae Fulcher won best Marshal in the Initiatory Degree and Ted Frick won best Senior Deacon in the Initiatory Degree.
Tony Peebler
86th State Master Councilor
Texas DeMolay
Austin, TX - July 19, 2015 Yesterday, our very own Tony Peebler from John Wayne Chapter, was installed as the 86th State Master Councilor of Texas DeMolay. He is the first member of John Wayne (formerly LaPorte) Chapter to become State Master Councilor. Tony is a home school graduate, and will be entering the Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A & M University in College Station, Texas this fall. Before then, Tony will be representing Texas DeMolay at the week long DeMolay Leadership Conference (DLC) in Northeastern Oklahoma, followed by an immediate trip to St. Louis, Missouri for a week long conference at the Missouri University of DeMolay, followed immediately by another trip to the KeyMan DeMolay Conference in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. Arriving back in Texas in mid August, he will have around 7 days before leaving for College Station. Congratulations Tony! We are proud of you at John Wayne.
Brother Sister Combo
First In 20 Years
Austin, TX - July 19, 2015 When Tony Peebler was installed as the 86th Texas DeMolay State Master Councilor, and his little sister, Claire Peebler was installed as the Texas DeMolay Sweetheart, it was the first time since 1995 that a brother sister combination held those offices together. In 1995, that combo was Alan Baily as State Master Councilor and Elizabeth Baily as State Sweetheart.
Fulcher Leads Chapter Into 2016
Alvin, TX - November 21, 2015 Joel (Jae) Fulcher IV and his officer corps were installed this evening in front of large crowd at Alvin Lodge. They will lead the Chapter through the coming winter and spring. Jae is a senior at Clear Creek High School., and is on the football team. He is the son of Joel (Joe) Fulcher III, and the grandson of Joel Fulcher, Jr. Other officers installed were Senior Councilor, Earl Deshazer, Junior Councilor, Galen Mikel, Senior Deacon, Robert Deshazer, Junior Deacon, David Lombard, Senior Steward, Lawson Godinez, Junior Steward, Jose Garcia, Chaplain, Tristan Arnold, Marshal, Antonio Sifuentes, Scribe, Colin Lamb, Standard Bearer, Andrew Luke, and Sentinel, Caleb Lamb. The installation team was led by DSMC of Texas, Christopher Little as installing officer, and included the following members: Austin Warren of Reagan Chapter as the installing senior councilor, DDSMC-5 Ted Frick as the installing junior councilor, John Wayne PMC Tim Lane II as installing marshal, Pedro Garcia as installing senior deacon, and PDDSM-5 Andy Nitsch as the installing chaplain. The installation of officers was followed by presentations of Flower Talk and the Ceremony of Light, presented by Colin Lamb and Caleb Lamb, respectively. Ms. Briana Godinez of Pearland was crowned as the 4th Chapter Sweetheart of John Wayne Chapter #3667 during the Alvin era by Texas State Sweetheart Claire Peebler. There was a short reception followed by the Sweetheart's Ball in honor of Ms. Godinez. A great time was had by all, and the Chapter is off to a good start for the coming term.
New Chapter Sweetheart
DeMolay Varsity Letterman
Alvin, TX - November 21, 2015 Tristan Arnold has completed all of the requirements for the DeMolay Letterman Varsity Award, and was awarded his DeMolay Varsity Letter and certificate from DeMolay International. The award was presented by Chairman of the John Wayne Chapter #3667 Advisory Council, Dad Chris Little.