83rd Texas DeMolay State Conclave
A Conclave to Remember
July 18-21, 2013
Austin, Texas
(photos at bottom of page)
Texas DeMolay Degree State Champions 2013
Chris Little, Tim Lane II, Tony Peebler, Jimmy Frick, Caleb Lamb, Pedro Garcia Jr., Ted Frick,
John Cherry III, Galen Mikel, Mathew Herrmann, Colin Lamb
Texas 4th Section State Champions 2011, 2012, 2013
Tony Peebler, Tim Lane II, Chris Little
Chapter Proficiency 2nd Place 2013
Chris Little, Tim Lane II, Galen Mikel, Tony Peebler, Ted Frick, Mathew Herrman,
Colin Lamb, Caleb Lamb, John Cherry III, Jimmy Frick, Pedro Garcia Jr.
Texas Flower Talk State Champion 2011, 2012, 2013
Tony Peebler
Texas Master Councilor Chapter Proficiency State Champion 2013
Chris Little
Texas Master Councilor Initiatory Degree State Champion
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Tony Peebler
Texas Chaplain Chapter Proficiency State Champion 2013
Tony Peebler
Texas 5th Preceptor Initiatory Degree State Champion 2013
Ted Frick
2nd Place Jacques DeMolay DeMolay Degree 2013
Chris Little
2nd Place Master Inquisitor DeMolay Degree 2013
Tony Peebler
2nd Place 2nd Preceptor Initiatory Degree 2013
Ted Frick
2nd Place Softball 2013
Colin Lamb, Caleb Lamb, Chris Little, Tim Lane II, Ted Frick, John Cherry III,
Pedro Garcia Jr., Jimmy Frick, Tony Peebler, Mathew Herrmann, Galen Mikel
2nd Place Junior Division Volleyball 2013
Colin Lamb, Caleb Lamb, Ted Frick, John Cherry III, Tony Peebler, Mathew Herrmann
2nd Place Junior Division Basketball 2013
Colin Lamb, Caleb Lamb, Ted Frick, John Cherry III, Tony Peebler, Mathew Herrmann
Texas DeMolay State Senior Councilor 2013-2014
Tony Peebler
Advisor of the Year 2012 Guild of the Leather Apron
Dad Mark A. Peebler
This website is the official website of John Wayne Chapter#3667 Order of DeMolay and acknowledges
the authority of and yields allegiance to DeMolay International, of which Frank S. Land was the founder.
the authority of and yields allegiance to DeMolay International, of which Frank S. Land was the founder.