January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020
The new year started with a Leadership Class
Alvin, TX - January 9, 2020 Five members of John Wayne Chapter traveled to Spring, Texas to visit our brethren at Reagan Chapter. Great fellowship permeated the room, and a good time was had by all. A big thank you to our gracious hosts from Reagan.

Galveston, TX - January 26, 2019 Five members of John Wayne Chapter #3667 paid a visit to the Galveston Naval Museum at Seawolf Park on Pelican Island. They took self tours of the U.S.S. Cavalla (SS-244) submarine that sank a Japanese aircraft carrier in World War II, and the destroyer escort U.S.S. Stewart (DE-238). After the tours, we all had a picnic in the park, which of course on this blustery day was followed by great fun playing touch football.
A Visit from Reagan Chapter
Learning About Government;
The 42nd Annual Texas DeMolay Governmetn Day
Austin, TX - February 9-10, 2019 All five of our members made the trip to Government Day this year along with our Chapter Sweetheart Heidi. The old-timers Galen and Andrew represented John Wayne Chapter in the Senate, while Heidi, Peter, Kyle, and Spencer attended their first Government Day representing John Wayne Chapter in the House. The Chapter was also represented by former John Wayne and Texas State Sweetheart 2015-2016, and 2018-2019 Grand Worthy Advisor of Texas Rainbow, Claire Peebler, who was the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Though we didn't win any awards, we got our feet wet, and had some fun times.
Centennial DeMolay Month
Proclaimed in Alvin, Texas
Masonic Service At The Grand Master's Fish Fry
Friendswood, TX - February 22, 2019 All five members of John Wayne Chapter #3667 attended the Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries Association of Masonic Districts 31-A,B,C Fish Fry in honor of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Texas, Terry W. Stogner. Our DeMolays led the entire crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag, served food, and cleaned up after the event. They also got to eat some wonderful catfish! Yummy!
Arlington, TX - March 31, 2019 Our new 4th Section team of Kyle, Spencer, and Peter [average age 12.5 years] entered their very first ritual competition at the Frank Marshall Championship Tournament not knowing exactly what to expect, and walked away with the Open Level Championship Banner for 4th Section. This has to be one of the most incredible and stunning upsets of all time! See, hard work, perseverance, and a little luck do pay off. In addition to the banner, 4th Section Master Councilor Kyle also came in second place in the obligtions competition by a mere 5 points, but still earned his green and white obligations medal. What a great Frank Marshall Tournament to remember.
The Centennial Initiation
John Wayne Chapter #3667
Initiates Three As Part Of World Wide Initiation
April 1, 2019
Imbibing Culture
The John Wayne Chapter #3667 Fine Arts Merit Bar
A Study of Classical Music, Theatre, Opera, Ballet, and Fine Arts Museum Collections
Houston, TX - April 19, 2019 Six members of the Chapter, along with our Chapter Sweetheart Heidi, attended a live performance of Tchaikovsky and Sir Edward Elgar by the Mercury Chamber Orchestra at the Bayou Theatre on the Campus of the University of Houston at Clear Lake. All of those attending had spent several hours back at the Lodge studying the music composition, the composers, and the late Romantic Period of classical music. Everyone enjoyed the concert, and came away a little better for it.
Having A Blast At
Masonic Youth Weekend
Aquilla, Texas - May 3-5, 2019 Five members attended the Annual Masonic Youth Weekend that is generously sponsored by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas A. F. & A. M., and all of them had a wonderful time. There were ten teams again this year, represented by ten colors. All five of our members were on different teams, and got to meet Rainbow Girls and DeMolays from across the great State of Texas. Peter was assigned the Pink Team, Galen drew the Lavender Team, Keegan got the Light Blue Team, Collin represented us on the Dark Blue Team, and Andrew was on the Red Team. Everyone participated in events like rock climbing, zip lining, volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, kickball, and other team building exercises. The talent show and dance were a lot of fun also. The weather and the food were good this year; YEA! |
Another Initiation Brings In Two New Members
May 15, 2019 at Alvin, TX
Installation of Officers & Dance
John Wayne Chapter #3667
Alvin, TX - May 18, 2019 The Old Guard came back to town to act as Installing Officers, as Kyle and his officers took the oath of officer during the John Wayne Chapter #3667 Spring Installation of Officers. PMC, Andrew, was installed as Senior Councilor, and Spencer was installed as Junior Councilor. Our Sweetheart, Heidi, was also presented again, and walked away with a nice bouquet. Other officers installed were Peter at Senior Deacon, Garrett at Junior Deacon, Brandon at Chaplain, and Spencer at Scribe. The installing officers were all members of John Wayne Chapter #3667 as follows: PSMC Tony Peebler as Installing Officer, PSMC Chris Little as Installing Senior Councilor, PSJC Ted Frick as Installing Junior Councilor, PMC Jae Fulcher as Chaplain, PMC Caleb Lamb as Installing Senior Deacon, and PMC Galen Mikel as Installing Marshal. The new members and their mothers received a beautiful Flower Talk from Brother Kyle. The DeMolay of the Term was awarded to Spencer for all of his hard work over the past six months. Dad Colello was presented with his 50 Year DeMolay Membership Pin, and then the 2019 Frank Marshall Championship Tournament Open Level Champion Banner for 4th Section was unfurled to a cheering audience by the Champions themselves [Kyle, Spencer, Peter]. After a short reception with delicious sherbert punch, the lights went down and the music went up for a great evening of dance.
Working At The Car Wash
Flower Talk Performed At Harmony Lodge #6 A.F. & A.M.
In The
The Egyptian Room Of The Galveston Scottish Rite Temple
Harmony Lodge Awards Rainbows and DeMolays Generous Donation
89th Annual Texas DeMolay Conclave
July 11-14, 2019
Fort Worth, Texas
Fort Worth, TX - July 11-14, 2019 Eight members of John Wayne Chapter #3667 made the trek to Cowtown to participate in the 89th Annual Texas DeMolay Conclave this past week. In Athletics, they participated in flag football, but fell in the first round to Albert Pike Chapter from San Antonio. The Dodgeball Team had a good run and sent four other chapters home before falling in the championship round to Nederland Chapter. The Junior Three-Man basketball team fell in the first round to Two Rivers Chapter. In Senior 3-on-3 basketball, John Wayne went undefeated in claiming the championship title. In ritual competitions, the 4th Section Team [Kyle, Spencer, Peter] outperformed all to claim the Texas State Championship, as did the Chapter Proficiency Team [Kyle, Ted, Caleb, Spencer, Andrew, Peter, Garrett, and Galen]. In his last ever ritual competition [Chaplain: Chapter Proficiency], Galen was word perfect, which was instrumental in vaulting the team to the state championship. The chapter also witnessed the induction of the first ever class of the Texas DeMolay Hall of Fame, and elected and installed Brother Rex Wunsche from Lionheart Chapter in Conroe to be the 2019-2020 Texas State Master Councilor. It was a busy week, but great fun was had, and new friends and brothers were discovered. We can't wait for next year!
The Making Of Chevaliers;
Ted Frick & Joel Fulcher IV
Alvin, TX - August 7, 2019 Two of the most outstanding DeMolays from John Wayne Chapter #3667's history, were honored this night with the Degree of Chevalier, the highest honor that can be bestowed upon an active DeMolay. Both DeMolays were unanimously approved by the International Supreme Council at the recent Centennial Session in Kansas City, Mo. The degree was conferred under the auspices of the Gulf Coast Court of Chevaliers. The degree team was as follows: Commander, Mark A. Peebler, Commander in the West, Vince Colello, Commander in the South, Christopher Sharpless, Chaplain, SMC Rex Wunsche, and Marshal, PSMC Tony Peebler. Congratulations Ted & Jae; may your DeMolay light shine brighter and brighter in the future.
Museum Of Fine Arts, A Picnic, And Live Theatre;
Earning Our Fine Arts Merit Bar
Houston, TX - August 10, 2019 The Chapter had a full, fun, and exciting day, while working on their Fine Arts merit bars. The day began at the Museum of Fine Arts, with a guided tour of the Antiquities Collection of Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Our Docent, Gretchen, was extremely knowledgeable and did a wonderful job explaining things to us. After the guided tour, we all took a self-guided tour of the permanent collections. After the museum, we drove a few blocks to Herrmann Park, where we had an awesome picnic and of course, played touch football in the park. Around 6:30 p.m. we walked the short distance to the Miller Outdoor Theatre and found great seats on the lawn. That evening we watched the University of Houston Shakespeare Festival's live performance of Julius Caesar.
Imperial Chapter Is Born
Sugar Land, TX - August 31, 2019 Several members of John Wayne Chapter #3667, along with a host of other chapters from across Texas, and our Texas DeMolay State Officers, helped institute Imperial Chapter Order of DeMolay, and then install their first ever officers. Great brotherhood today. |
Education Day & New Chapter Banner!
Alvin, TX - September 4, 2019 The Chapter gathered together on this stated meeting night and presented Denise Hahn, mother of brothers Jimmy and Ted Frick and Teacher at Berry Miller Junior High in Pearland, with a certificate of appreciation and a dinner for her service as a school teacher. This was celebrated as our education obligatory day. We also unfurled our brand new chapter banner! No more ugly patch at the bottom!!!
#1 Pin And DeMoaly Patent
Alvin, TX - September 25, 2019
Government Obligatory Day;
A Visit With A Judge And A City Councilman
Alvin, TX - October 16, 2019 After being put off by bad weather and conflicting schedules for a couple of months, the Chapter was finally able to hold our Obligatory Government Day Observance. Better late than never, right? We were most honored to have Alvin City Councilman, Glenn Starkey teach us about the workings of a city council. Councilman Starkey is also a member of Alvin Lodge #762 A.F. & A.M., and a published novelist. We were also honored to have his wife, Donna Starkey, who is a retired Alvin Muncipal Judge, teach us about the local municipal courts. What a one-two punch! The evening was very informative, and a lot of the guys had really good questions for the councilman and judge.
Open Installation Of Officers & Dance
Alvin, TX - November 16, 2019 The new officers of the Chapter were installed in an open ceremony this past Saturday. Kyle was re-installed as MC, Andrew was re-installed as SC, and Peter was re-installed as JC, and Spencer Eddins was re-installed as Scribe. Other officers installed were Mikel at Chaplain, Garrett at Senior Steward, and Trent at Junior Steward. Mikel was named Outstanding DeMolay of the Term, and the Texas DeMolay State Sweetheart, Krystal Hittle, from Waco, visited with us. Everyone had a great time.
This website is the official website of John Wayne Chapter#3667 Order of DeMolay and acknowledges the authority of and yields allegiance to DeMolay International, of which Frank S. Land was the founder.