Chapter History
April 28, 2010 - December 31, 2010
On April 21, 2010, Houston Chapter #201 initiated 7 members into John Wayne Chapter #3667 as a courtesy. One week later, those 7 joined with 2 members of Houston Chapter who affiliated with John Wayne Chapter (Tony Peebler and Chris Little). Those 9 members met for the first time as John Wayne Chapter in Alvin, Texas. During the year, the Chapter initiated a total of 14 new members, second only to Reagan Chapter (16) in the State of Texas. The Chapter also participated in many events and observed all of the obligatory days. The articles below highlight the year that was 2010.
This website is the official website of John Wayne Chapter#3667 Order of DeMolay and acknowledges the authority of and yields allegiance to DeMolay International, of which Frank S. Land was the founder.